Unleash the Power of Canva for Teachers & Students

As a Canva for Education training partner, we provide custom professional development services tailored for educators to transform your classroom. Learn how to harness Canva’s dynamic tools to create engaging content, boost student creativity, save time, enhance your teaching materials with ease and so much more. 

Work with us


customize your

In this Netflix style training your staff will learn at their own pace on and on their own time with step-by-step asynchronous modules. 


Asynchronous, Go At Your Own Pace

In these virtual interactive workshops, your staff will still be able to learn from anywhere and receive live training from Canva experts.

Virtual, Synchronous Workshops

Whether you have a full day of PD or a few hours, we will come to your school with our engaging and hands-on Canva trainings. 

In Person Training

Unleash the Power of Canva for Teachers & Students

As a Canva for Education training partner, we provide custom professional development services tailored for educators to transform your classroom. Learn how to harness Canva’s dynamic tools to create engaging content, boost student creativity, save time, enhance your teaching materials with ease and so much more. 

work with us

Browse training

Asynchronous, Go At Your Own Pace

customize your 


In this Netflix style training your staff will learn at their own pace on and on their own time with step-by-step asynchronous modules. 

Virtual, Synchronous Workshops

In these virtual interactive workshops, your staff will still be able to learn from anywhere and receive live training from Canva experts.

In Person Training

Whether you have a full day of PD or a few hours, we will come to your school with our engaging and hands-on Canva trainings. 

Thank You!

Your request has been submitted and a designed for learning team member will be in touch in 24-48 hours.



Bring the power of Canva to your teachers & students!

Partner with us at Designed for Learning to create and deliver customized professional devleopment to help your teachers and students confidently harness the power of Canva.

work with us

Bring the power of Canva to your teachers & students!

Partner with us at Designed for Learning to create and deliver customized professional devleopment to help your teachers and students confidently harness the power of Canva.

Work with us

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Explore the Summer Empowered Learning Institute

- Differentiated, go at your own pace PD that provides educators a blueprint on how to create future focused classrooms that inspire playful learning and authentic engagement.

Browse Cohorts for Deeper Learning

An ongoing PD experience that provides your staff the time and opportunity to implement what they learn with collaboration from colleagues and real time coaching.

Browse Personalized Professional Development 

PD that focuses on the “how” of designing learning experiences - experiences that not only engage students in learning but also invigorates staff and gets teachers excited about teaching. 

Explore Signature Services

Foundations Package

Blueprint for Future Ready Learners Package

Clerical / Classified Package

book a call